Umberto Eco | Los Límites de la Interpretación
Eco le da peso al lector, el cual requiere de su enciclopedia cultural para poder decodificar un texto y a partir de ésta competir en su capacidad interpretativa; por lo tanto, el texto es actualizado por el lector.
Diane Davis | Derrida and Justice
Professor Davis provides an overview of Derrida’s book Of Hospitality. In her lecture, Professor Davis covers the law and laws of hospitality, justice, the guest,
Michel Foucault | The Culture of the Self
This video presents one of lectures in which French philosopher Michel Foucault examines Western culture’s conceptual development of individual subjectivity.
Yale Courses | The New Criticism and Other Western Formalisms
Yale’s philosophy of teaching and learning begins with the aim of training a broadly based, highly disciplined intellect without specifying in advance how that intellect will be used.
Introduction to Theory of Literature with Paul H. Fry
Yale’s philosophy of teaching and learning begins with the aim of training a broadly based, highly disciplined intellect without specifying in advance how that intellect will be used.
Eliseo Verón | La Semiosis Social
Eliseo Verón (Buenos Aires, 12 de junio de 1935) es un sociólogo, antropólogo y semiólogo argentino y teórico de la semiosis social (1988).
Umberto Eco – Tratado de Semiótica General
Eco Umberto – Tratado De Semiotica General (5ta Ed) Pdf. 3523 BIOGRAFIA: (3523) Crítico literario, semiólogo y novelista italiano.