La Piedra Florece

Sus flores son multicolores. Coloreadas cual las nubes al alumbrarlas la luna, Coloreadas como tus ojos, vida mía, Y cálidas. Coloreadas cual alegres ideas,
Papegaaien en andere vogels | Parrots and Other Birds | Perroquets et autres oiseaux

Stellenbosch, I get the impression I am on an aeroplane. Or in a parallel reality. Or in a reality that is unreal or vice versa, although I’m not sure There is a difference
El Largo Viaje y el Lúcido

La ventaja de un barco crucero: Llenan la piscina con las teatrales lágrimas de la paradoja. La importancia del catamarán: Imposible gritar nombres
Quand les Olives Sont Presque Mûres…

Quand les olives sont presque mûres Dans la vaste plaine hors du village, Quand les olives sont presque mûres, Je sors après le coucher du soleil.
The Bluebird

The Bluebird, written directly in English by Arjen Duinker, was first published in Poetry Review (Volume 95:4, Winter 2005/6 – London). The Bluebird, read by Arjen Duinker and Kees ‘t Hart, was recorded (one take) by Freek Zonderland at DOK Delft (2008) The recording can be found also on CD in the Australian literary magazine Going Down Swinging (GDS 28, 2009 – Melbourne)
A Poem

It’s all right, You did your work, gardener, And so did you, hundred-year-old captain. And you, carer of the sick, you did your work too. e content with that, be glad, Take a rest and begin again.