Instrucciones para Salir del Internet

matrix__ by inSahne

Apague el ordenador, el teléfono, el i-Pod y todo otro instrumento que tiente a averiguar, comunicarse, a pegarse a
una máquina, divagar, subir a la nube de forma instrumental.

Hat Dance (Excerpt)

Acapulco by xMyPhotographyx

“A job in Belize?” Emilia actually felt her heart stutter. The fork slid out of her hand, spraying cake crumbs and clattering over her dessert dish. It ended up in her lap.

La Piedra Florece

Stone Flower by Navanna

Sus flores son multicolores. Coloreadas cual las nubes al alumbrarlas la luna, Coloreadas como tus ojos, vida mía, Y cálidas. Coloreadas cual alegres ideas,


A mi lado se encuentra un hombre fotogénico que cabizbajo y harapiento va sumergido en su miseria, y que de pronto me interpela diciéndome:— No jodás el desempleo man.

Anaís Nin: Henry & June

In 1931 Paris, Anais Nin meets Henry Miller and his wife June. Intrigued by them both, she begins expanding her sexual horizons with her husband Hugo as well as with Henry and others.

Perdida en la Traducción

He tenido muchos problemas durante mi vida adulta por cómo me expreso. Siempre he pensado que en cuanto a interacciones sociales y laborales.

This Is Growing Up

I’d decided to study in Florence on a whim, after having vaguely planned my entire sophomore year on traveling to Prague to study film at the famed FAMU.

Rape Joke

The rape joke is that you were 19 years old. The rape joke is that he was your boyfriend. The rape joke it wore a goatee. A goatee. Imagine the rape joke looking in the mirror, perfectly reflecting back itself, and grooming itself to look more like a rape joke.